What good would this blog truly be without providing you with tips for protection against robots? Today's tip is about water. Most modern robots, except the underwater-type robots, are dependent upon electricity. They also have all sorts of delicate stuff inside, not unlike your laptop or desktop computer. Now, as this incredibly lame video can attest to, modern electronic devises can survive water. But, if nothing else, it should be able to buy you some time. Best case scenario, you melt the robot's fake-brain.
If you are in a situation where underwater robots are after you, well... you got yourself into that mess, I can't help you out.
I have made an instruction video on what to do when a land robot is chasing you. It is clearly helpful to have an above-ground pool. View the "video" here. Put it on Fast Forward. Yo.
If you are in a situation where underwater robots are after you, well... you got yourself into that mess, I can't help you out.
I have made an instruction video on what to do when a land robot is chasing you. It is clearly helpful to have an above-ground pool. View the "video" here. Put it on Fast Forward. Yo.
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