Monday, June 29, 2009

The Self Check Out

This is, far and away, the most annoying machine ever devised. Sure, it might not qualify as a robot, but it is just as dangerous and cruel as one.

1. This machine is taking the job of a human being, no matter how trivial/unwanted that job may appear. People pay for college or keep the lights on by standing there and scanning your goods.

2. The companies that employ these beasts are passing the work on to you.

3. There is always a problem with the scanner or something else.

4. There is still a human assigned to handle four or more of these machines at a time. They are on standby and instead of having to deal with one person's issues, they now have there workload multiplied by four.

So, not only do these twisted bots not simplify the lives of the consumer and lessen the quality of life for those out of work, they make another person's life exponentially more complicated. What to do? Stop using them, wait in line the extra 3-4 minutes and help a person keep their job.


  1. I used it today. It spits out coupons that you can use instantly. I saved $30.00.

  2. ^ you sound like a robutt sympathizer
